Oil Painting

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Mr..1922 swim two, Feng often repair, Mr. Sha Menghai, formerly known as if, after the words, desolate rocky, Sha Cun langsa, born 1906, died in 1992, Zhejiang Yinxian people. Xiling Seal society fourth president. Calligraphy and seal. Mr. young chengtingxun, Xi Zhuan method, Tamna play calligraphy from inborn. Attended in the provincial fourth normal school, dedicated reservoir, after-school classmates and friends learn poetry, the study of calligraphy to academic Chaoqun, known as "Ningbo four wets one. After graduating from Junmu Chen Tianying Mr., poetry words of ancient Chinese visited Shanghai to make a living, Feng, Chen two recommenders, paid homage to Kang and Wu Changshuo, Zhang Taiyan, condition Zhejiang University Professor Mr..1929 > > <.1928 LOH wind and other literary Nestor and executive disciple ceremony, the study of calligraphy seal and published nearly 300 years of book, < printed introduction to two papers, caused the academic circles strongly reflected in the Guangzhou Zhongshan University hired as the school foundation professor. The second year, he was named Nanjing Central University Secretary, immediately entered the cultural circles, before and after a few up to 20 years old. The new China was founded, Sha Menghai employed as Zhejiang University Department of Chinese language and literature, due to the adjustment of colleges and departments, Zhejiang Province cultural relics management committee member of the Standing Committee, in charge of the province's archaeological investigation and excavation. Zhejiang ancient career pioneering, Mr. Lai planning in Zhejiang Book, no list the responsibility for.1981. Sha Menghai gairen high age because of the excellent River Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology and museums, the result.1981 Sir Zhejiang Province Museum honorary curator Mr. in 1979, Xiling Seal society to build community 75th anniversary was selected as the fourth term Xiling Seal club president of Chinese Calligraphers Association, vice chairman. Its long-term participation in calligraphy creation activities, outstanding contributions. His nest split the sea horse, known as "true force with the expiration of the rainbow"; his Chinese cursive book, represents the Beibei hung strong all the way to open a generational ethos. Crosstalk calligraphy works are popular at home and abroad, the study, the characters, seal cutting, philology, stone Archaeology Without exception, access and accomplishments to the deep, a lifetime writing AGF, novelty theory, to propagate Chinese calligraphy and seal cutting and other traditional art made great contribution. Author of < shamenghai on calligraphy Cong draft > and < Printing Science History >, < History of Chinese calligraphy catalogue >.