Oil Painting

Chinese painting

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Born in December 1964 in Chongqing.In 1980 at the Affiliated Middle School of Sichuan Fine Art Institute.He studied in Oil Painting Department of Academy of Fine Arts in Zhejiang (now The China Academy of Art) and graduated with a bachelor's degree in oil painting.In 1988 at the Affiliated High School of The China Academy of Art. In 1992, he studied at the The China Academy of Art oil painting teaching assistant.1995 went to France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and other countries visited half a year, and the oil painting exhibition was held in Bologna.In 1997 he was appointed dean of Faculty of The China Academy of Art attached middle school.2000 president of the Zhejiang oil painting association.Taught at College of Visual Arts, The China Academy of Art, associate professor, Department of painting, deputy director of the Department of painting.2003 went to Russia to carry out artistic investigation.