Oil Painting

Chinese painting

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Guo Beiping, Xi'an city people. In 1983, graduated from the graduate program in Guangxi Arts Institute Yang Taiyang oil painting research and current Vice President of the Xi'an Academy of fine arts, Professor, Ph. D. supervisor, China oil painting society member. 92 years so far, published a total of 6 papers, 6 books. Selected national art exhibition of more than 20 times. Won the national award 7 times (a gold and two silver and four bronze).Won the provincial awards 10 times. In "the complete works of Chinese art", "Twentieth Century Chinese oil painting" and so on. The important journals and authoritative books more than 200 published works, five times of any national art committee, the judges.In Contemporary Chinese oil painting, Guo Beiping is an artist with a unique artistic style. His unique, does not mean he has a fixed style and is easy to identify, but to he can free access in two kinds of Chinese and Western cultures, and proficiency with a high degree of difficulty of the western oil painting art language, and good performance of the spirit of our age. A bit in the west quite effective critic Chris Sauber commented guobeiping: "some Chinese painters in the faithful to" in spirit without re shape "tradition at the same time, has mastered the style of Western painting. "He attributed this to the local historical and cultural heritage of Guo Beiping's art works have a strong impact.Indeed, Guo beipin's painting reflects the intrinsic quality and the ideal of values are not the same cultures of the East and the west education and edification, his style is eclectic, and manipulating the color and body line especially skilled and clever. In his works, vivid characters, vivid, rich vivid and charm, northwest loess simple and bold, also in Western classical paintings full of human care and tenderness of fine performance.